Welcome to a glimpse into my bee loved world!

My name is Angie Twydall and I am a Sacred Bee Priestess – a natural bee centered bee guardian, who sees the bees as messengers. I observe and meditate with the bees and seek insights for health and healing.

Over the years I have gained many channeled ideas, visions and projects – the main one is The Bee Oracle Deck, now out in the world pollinating hearts and minds!

I live and work on the beautiful, wild primordial lands of Exmoor, in the SW of England.  The bees are trying their best in the changeable spring weather. They are in a sheltered valley with trees and plants to support them.

Thank you so much for all your help to support bees, my passion and work, over the years!

Everything has it’s own resonance and vibrational signature in scent. I use a magical combination of essential oils, their energetic qualities and magical powers to create my product ranges.

I combine my experience as a Priestess of the Sacred Oils, a Myrrhophore and a Celestial Aromatherapist with the energies and properties of plants, honey and beeswax. Each batch of anointing oils, sprays or incense I make are unique!

I would love to stay connected with you!

I appreciate our connection with each other, like the bees we are supported and happier when in community not alone.

In Blessings and Love of the honeybees,

Angie xx

Exmoor, UK May 2022